IPDC Project at Bahir Dar University held a day-long workshop on National Dialogue and the Role of Media in Peace building
Peda Campus
09 Jun, 2024
IPDC Project at Bahir Dar University held a day-long workshop on National Dialogue and the Role of Media in Peace building
The UNESCO-sponsored IPDC (International Program for Development of Communication) project which is being implemented at Bahir Dar University organized a one-day workshop on National Dialogue and the Role of Media in Peacebuilding. In what is the first round of two, fifteen journalists and media workers from Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC), Amhara Media Corporate (AMC), Ethiopian News Agency (ENA), and Bahir Dar University Community Radio participated in the workshop. The role of media in peace building, transitional justice and countering hate speech and professionalism and ethical practices were the major focus areas of the workshop.
Mr. Tegbaru Yared, a Researcher in the Horn of Africa Security and Analysis Program at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), presented on Overview of Key Issues of National Dialogue and Ethical Reporting which was later extensively discussed in the format of a panel. Through ensuing interactive reflections, participants shared their experiences and views.